Latest from Palazzo Chigi

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President Meloni at ‘Per un’Europa giovane. Transizione demografica, ambiente, futuro’ event

12 April 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech today at the event ‘Per un’Europa giovane. Transizione demografica, ambiente, futuro’ [‘For a young Europe. Demographic transition, environment, future’] in Rome.


President Meloni meets with President Michel at Palazzo Chigi

11 April 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, received the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, at Palazzo Chigi today, as part of the ongoing consultations ahead of the adoption of the EU Strategic Agenda 2024-2029 in June.

The Council of Ministers

Press conference following Council of Ministers meeting no. 76

9 April 2024

Council of Ministers meeting no. 76 was held at Palazzo Chigi today. Following the meeting, Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti and Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance Maurizio Leo held a press conference to illustrate the measures approved


Bruno Valensise appointed as new AISI director

9 April 2024

After consulting the Interministerial Committee for the Security of the Republic, the President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has today appointed Bruno Valensise as the new director of the Agenzia Informazioni e Sicurezza Interna [Internal Information and Security Agency], effective as of Friday 19 April.


President Meloni’s statement on 15th anniversary of L’Aquila earthquake

6 April 2024

Today, Italy pays tribute to the 309 victims of the earthquake of 6 April 2009, standing in solidarity with the community of L’Aquila and the Abruzzo Region, with those who lost their loved ones that night and with all those who have contributed to the city’s rebirth with such tenacity and determination....


President Meloni addresses Italian Scientists Association event

5 April 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, delivered a speech today at the event ‘La Scienza al centro dello Stato’, organised by the Italian Scientists Association (ISA)


Statement by Palazzo Chigi on anniversary of the establishment of NATO

4 April 2024

On April 4th, 1949, Italy signed the North Atlantic Treaty along with 11 other Nations. We are proud of the decisive contribution Italy has since made to the Alliance’s operations and missions as well as to its adaptation to new security challenges, including the threats affecting its southern flank and the Mediterranean.


Meeting with representatives of the four women’s volleyball teams that starred in the European Cups

4 April 2024

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, met at Palazzo Chigi today with representatives of the four women’s volleyball teams that starred in this year’s European Cups: Imoco Conegliano, Allianz Vero Volley Milano, Reale Mutua Fenera Chieri and Igor Gorgonzola Novara.


President Meloni’s statement on 20th anniversary of Law no. 92/2004

30 March 2024

Today we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of Law no. 92 of 30 March 2004, which established the national day of remembrance for the martyrs of the Foibe massacres and the Istrian–Dalmatian exodus....