Il Governo

Settembre 2024

(Visualizzazione dal più recente)

30 Novembre 2022

Phone call between President Meloni and Prime Minister Mitsotakis of the Hellenic Republic

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a telephone conversation today with the Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic, Kyriakos Mitsotakis. President Meloni and Prime Minister Mitsotakis confirmed the close cooperation between Italy and Greece on the main issues at the top of the European and international agenda and shared the opportunity to further strengthen bilateral relations. The two leaders agreed to meet in the margins of one of the upcoming multilateral events prior to December’s European Council meeting.

28 Novembre 2022

President Meloni speaks at ‘Confindustria Veneto Est’ General Assembly

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, addressed the General Assembly of Assindustria Venetocentro [Padua-Treviso industry association] and Confindustria Venezia-Rovigo [Venice-Rovigo industry association], via video link this afternoon.

28 Novembre 2022

Il Presidente Meloni interviene all'Assemblea Generale "Confindustria Veneto Est"

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha tenuto un intervento in videocollegamento all'Assemblea Generale di Assindustria Venetocentro e Confindustria Venezia-Rovigo.

27 Novembre 2022

Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 7

Il Consiglio dei Ministri si è riunito domenica 27 novembre 2022, alle ore 11.20 a Palazzo Chigi, sotto la presidenza del Presidente Giorgia Meloni. Segretario, il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alfredo Mantovano.


26 Novembre 2022

Ischia, il Presidente Meloni alla riunione operativa alla Protezione Civile

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha seguito l'evolversi dei soccorsi nell'isola di Ischia nella sede della Protezione Civile, in videocollegamento con il comitato operativo del centro di coordinamento soccorsi, allestito alla Prefettura di Napoli per ricevere aggiornamenti e rimanere in contatto con le sedi operative che stanno prestando soccorso. “Rinnovo la nostra gratitudine nei confronti delle istituzioni, che si sono immediatamente mobilitate, e a tutti gli eroici soccorritori che stanno lavorando incessantemente per aiutare le popolazioni colpite dal maltempo”, ha dichiarato il Presidente Meloni.

26 Novembre 2022

Severe weather in Ischia: President Meloni attends operational meeting at Civil Protection Department

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has followed developments in rescue operations on the island of Ischia from the headquarters of the Civil Protection Department, via video link with the operations committee at the rescue coordination centre set up at the Prefecture of Naples, in order to receive updates and remain in contact with the search and rescue teams. “I wish to once again express our gratitude to the institutions that have intervened immediately, and to all the heroic rescuers who are working tirelessly to help the communities affected by the severe weather” said President Meloni.

26 Novembre 2022

Severe weather in Ischia: President Meloni attends operational meeting at Civil Protection Department

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, has followed developments in rescue operations on the island of Ischia from the headquarters of the Civil Protection Department, via video link with the operations committee at the rescue coordination centre set up at the Prefecture of Naples, in order to receive updates and remain in contact with the search and rescue teams.

26 Novembre 2022

President Meloni’s statement on the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor

On the 90th anniversary of the Holodomor, when millions of Ukrainians were purposely killed by starvation under Stalin’s Soviet regime, our thoughts go to the millions of Ukrainians, largely elderly people and children, who are being deprived of electricity, water and heating in the midst of winter as a result of Russian bombings deliberately targeting civilian infrastructure. These actions are unacceptable and are in violation of international law, strengthening our firm belief that we must support the Ukrainian people in their fight for freedom and survival.

26 Novembre 2022

Severe weather in Ischia: President Meloni in contact with Civil Protection Department

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, is in constant contact with the Minister for Civil Protection and Marine Policies, Nello Musumeci, the Civil Protection Department and the Campania Region in order to follow developments regarding the severe weather that has hit Ischia. The Government expresses its closeness to the citizens and mayors of the municipalities on the island of Ischia and thanks the rescue workers searching for missing persons.

25 Novembre 2022

Il Presidente Meloni alle esequie di Stato di Roberto Maroni

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato alle esequie di Stato di Roberto Maroni presso la Basilica di San Vittore a Varese.
