15 September 2023

Riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 50

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato lunedì 18 settembre 2023, alle ore 12.30 a Palazzo Chigi.

15 September 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 50

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato lunedì 18 settembre 2023, alle ore 12.30 a Palazzo Chigi, per l’esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

14 September 2023

Alluvione Emilia Romagna e Marche, riunione a Palazzo Chigi sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori di ricostruzione

Si è tenuta questa mattina, a Palazzo Chigi, una riunione per fare il punto sullo stato di avanzamento dei lavori di ricostruzione dopo l’alluvione del maggio scorso che ha colpito i territori dell'Emilia Romagna e delle Marche. 

English | Italiano

President Meloni’s speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit - ‘Family is the key to security’ session

Thursday, 14 September 2023

Good morning everyone,

I obviously have to thank Katalin Novák, who is a fighter too. She is a great mother and a very good and great politician too and she is a friend of mine, as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been a good friend of mine for many years. I also want to bring my due greetings to all the authorities, to President Radev, and to Vice President Mpango.

I think today we have an important opportunity to discuss a number of issues that Italy considers key not just for the national, but also for the European agenda: the family and the demographic challenge. These challenges are at the heart of the Italian Government’s action through specific measures, focusing on initiatives regarding families and children in all different areas. Later on, I will tell you more about them, but what I want to say to begin is that we are mainly working to bring about a significant cultural change. There is indeed no doubt that a serious demographic crisis is affecting Italy, but it is also affecting the whole of Europe and is now spreading across vast areas of the world, particularly the West in its entirety.

If we try and take an in-depth look into this crisis, we realise that it originated a long time ago and is rooted not only in the anti-cyclical phases of the economy, but – more dangerously – in the quicksand that is the myth of birth rate decline and a widespread cultural approach that is generally hostile to the family. Until a few decades ago, people had children even during wars or in situations of poverty. 

Italy’s history is proof of this. After the Second World War, despite being reduced to ruins and finding itself in an extremely difficult situation, Italy experienced a phase of both major economic expansion and strong population growth. In 1964, more than a million children were born in Italy and there was a fertility rate of 2.7 children per woman.

Children represented not only regeneration of the family, but also an indispensable element of social well-being, for sons and daughters, by working, increased households’ ability to support themselves and they took care of their elderly relatives. If people are having fewer and fewer children today, with more developed nations often heading the fastest towards this downfall, then we cannot reduce this issue to a purely material fact: we have to look deeper into it and, from deep down, look for the necessary answers. In our view, demography is not just another of the many issues of our nations. It is the issue on which our nations’ future depends. I don’t think I am exaggerating in saying that, for we need the courage to say that demographers’ projections for the future are very worrying.   

One of the reasons for this crisis is undoubtedly how the issue is addressed from a cultural point of view, from a media point of view. Let’s think about how much the social models we see in advertisements, in films and TV programmes and in the world of media in general have changed over the years: the typical image of a family with children has gradually faded, with communications geared towards single people being favoured instead, showing citizens-consumers in their individual dimension - detached from the communities they belong to, starting with the first of the communities which is the family. You know what, some years ago, I became, well, a bit more popular, for during a speech I said “I’m Giorgia, I’m a mother, I’m a woman, I’m Italian, I’m Christian, you won’t take it out from me”. Somebody put it to music, it was a way to attack me. It didn’t work; it became a success. Maybe they underestimated how those words would be greeted. What I wanted to say with those words is that we live in an era in which everything that defines us is under attack. Why? And why is it dangerous? It is dangerous for our identity – our national identity, our family identity, our religious identity – is also what makes us aware of our rights and able to defend those rights. Without that identity, we are only numbers,  unconscious numbers, tools in the hands of those who want to use us. That is why I think a great battle for somebody who is defending humankind and the rights of people is also to defend families, is also to defend nations, is also to defend identity, is also to defend God and all the things that have built our civilisation.

They want to convince us that it’s not cool to talk about this subject, that doing so is actually almost a rearguard action, being carried out by people who don’t know how to keep up with the times. Well, they will never convince us about it. And it doesn’t really matter if today’s initiative will most likely not be talked about in terms of content, but rather with regard to what’s going on politically behind the scenes; for us, the important thing that is happening here today is that government and institutional representatives from different nations, different latitudes and different political orientations are discussing this issue, because they are simply responsible enough to understand that it is crucial. I am here because I am interested in talking about why Italians are no longer having the children they say they want in the polls; because I am interested in questioning why the whole of Europe is below the replacement rate - the famous two children per woman that would allow us to keep the population level constant. The experts have been talking about a slowdown for a long time now. In some areas, we are already in a phase of depopulation. However, unless the trend is reversed, the medium-term prognoses are critical. And, as I was saying, demographic prospects are inversely proportional to the level of well-being. To put it more simply, richer nations are where people are having less children. This is the reason why mobilising resources to support families and children is essential, and can deliver concrete results, as Hungary has perfectly demonstrated. Also Pope Francis made reference to this during his apostolic journey to Hungary in April this year. The example of Hungary tells us that things can change, if we want them to change. We need the willingness and we need the courage to do the right measures and substantial investments. 

Thanks to the policies developed by the government over the last years, Hungary inverted the negative birth rate trend that had been plaguing the nation since the early 1980s. Today, the birth rate has increased, the number of marriages has increased, the overall employment rate has increased and – very importantly – the rate of female employment has increased. I want to underline it for I always objected to the idea that many put forward that boosting the birth rate would mean discouraging women from work; as if the two things were not compatible, as if women should still have to be doomed to sacrifice either their job or their motherhood. It is not true. What the Hungarian example tells us is precisely the opposite, it tells us that, by developing family-oriented policies, by combining a family-friendly cultural approach with concrete policies to support families with children and the work-family balance, especially for mothers, it is possible to give women back the freedom to be able to bring children into the world without having to give up their careers as a result, and to be able to have a career without having to give up bringing children into the world as a result. For that is what true freedom is: being able to choose, and being able to have a full life, for children are not a limit. I’m doing a very difficult job, not much time to put everything together but, you know what? I became stronger when my daughter was born, and every time that I see her, I know now better than I knew before, that even when I’m tired, even when I think “ok, I will give up, I can do no more, that’s not a life”, that I’m doing something that, if I’m able to do that, I’m doing it moreover for her. Children make women stronger also in the work they do, they are not a limit. So we want to guarantee this freedom and Hungary’s experience regarding families and the birth rate is therefore an important one, and I want to say it for Italy looks at it with interest and admiration for the results achieved. I have the honour of heading the Italian government, as you know, which is a strong, cohesive government that has been in office for less than a year and that is aiming to work together we hope for many years to come (which is something quite rare in Italy, it’s not like here where things are more stable). Our government has made the birth rate and the family a top priority.

We have done so because we want Italy to go back to having a future, to hoping for and believing in a tomorrow that is better than the uncertain present we are in. We have begun by including the term ‘birth rate’ in the name of a Ministry for the first time ever, and we have linked the subject of the birth rate with that of the family and equal opportunities. That choice was not about form, it was about substance. It is the choice to have the point of view of the family in all the Government’s policies. We are obviously only at the beginning, but we have already set a direction. We have increased the so-called ‘single allowance’ that is paid to families with children; increased parental leave; reformed the instruments against poverty by transforming them from welfare payments that were a disincentive to work into measures to support families and those who are genuinely fragile, focusing once again on children and the fight against child poverty. And, we have raised the threshold of tax-free fringe benefits for workers with children, we have refinanced summer recreational centres, helped young couples to buy a house, and equally important work is being done with regard to the work-family balance, but the most important is that we have put the criteria of the family, the criteria of the birth rate, the criteria of the work-family life balance at the heart of every measure that we are doing. However, – and I want to stress this again – overall, we want our actions to also and above all help to create a new cultural climate, because, you see, when birth rate decline is talked about, some still argue that the population decreasing is actually not a bad thing after all. In the past, there have been specific policies at international level to control the population and encourage the birth rate to fall. Now that we are clearly facing the opposite problem, focusing policies on this issue paradoxically still causes annoyance. This issue is often instrumentally set against the one of migration, which it is claimed can give us the contribution in terms of welfare that our national societies should apparently resign themselves to no longer being able to offer. I do not agree with this narrative; I think that great nations and great peoples must take responsibility for building their own future and the future of their own corner of the world. I think that a quota of legal migration, where this is necessary and can be fully integrated, can make a positive contribution to our economies, but I remain convinced that it would be more responsible for us to entrust European citizens with the solution to the European welfare system crisis – citizens who are instead accustomizing to the idea that decline is a destiny. Well, decline is not a destiny, decline is a choice and it is not the choice that we will do. After all, if you think about it, birth rate decline is merely another side of the incapacitating myth of degrowth. As if degrowth could somehow mean happiness - but no, in my opinion, degrowth can never mean happiness. Applied to demography, it means not only a problem regarding the sustainability of the welfare or health system, but also a lack of inventiveness, creativity, innovation. A lack of hope. A lack of future.

I want to thank Katalin Novák, for this summit – this working session - is dedicated to the family as a “key of security” which is a concept that many years ago could seem banal, and now is quite courageous. So, thank you, Kat. It looks like we need courage for, today, it seems like talking about the family takes something away from someone, instead of adding something to everyone, which is what I think. As if none of us, regardless of our life path and regardless of our origins, were born into a family network. I can be the first to say that, for, as maybe some here know, I do not come from a family with ‘ordinary’ dynamics, and yet I feel in every way a daughter of a family. In recent weeks, there have been some serious incidents in Italy, in a place called Caivano, near Naples – a so-called ‘free zone’ where, for a long time, the State seemed to have withdrawn, giving too much free rein over the years to organised crime. Our government has taken decisive action, for Caivano and for all the other places like that in Italy. One of the key pillars of this initiative is precisely to encourage families to take back the responsibilities that belong to them, with regard to education, raising their children, keeping checks on the content that technology exposes them to right from a very young age and making sure they attend school. Likewise, in these months of government, we have tried to promote the work ethic and educational freedom, which is a cornerstone of personal freedoms on the one hand and of parental responsibilities on the other, which a certain ideological approach instead sees as smoke and mirrors. 

It is true that family is a “key of security”, with “key of security” not being meant, as a certain narrative would like to have us believe, as the severe and somewhat backward idea of a social-cultural superstructure that does not accept personal freedom, but rather as a ‘natural society’, as it is also defined in the Italian Constitution, in which tomorrow’s citizens are born and educated, in which everyone can receive education and training, discover their talents, develop their personalities inside a nest that guarantees security and protection, learn to love and to be loved, and learn what solidarity is. Today, after a prolonged ideological attack that has led to families receiving little help and support, the institution of the family appears to be in crisis, and we want to defend it, we want to revitalise it, as family does not limit anyone’s freedom but does increase everyone’s wealth. 

We do not believe that the State can replace family, and where this has been attempted in the past – as happened in Eastern Europe under Soviet rule – the results serve as a warning for everyone not to repeat the experiment. In this regard, over the last few days I have been amazed to read about the re-emergence of historical controversy over the events of 1956, which on many occasions, together with Viktor and Katalin, we have recalled as the founding moment of Hungary’s constitution and democracy. The revolution of 1956 was not only a revolt against foreign rule, but also a revolt against those who were trying to destroy the very foundations of a people’s identity: family, religion, national belonging. They are pages of history that cannot be rewritten and no propaganda operation today can ever tear them up. And pages of history that we see again today in Ukraine and that we cannot accept.
In conclusion, my friends, there can be many different ways to put the family at the heart of development policies, and these are clearly influenced by national cultures, identities, customs and traditions. However, there are many experiences that have worked, that are important to share – such as the experience that we see here in Hungary.

I think, I do agree with President Radev, that Europe must take action in this direction, focusing on policies for the family and the birth rate and accompanying nation states towards greater coordination, with genuine respect for the principle of subsidiarity. In short, demonstrating to have fully understood the extent of the cultural, social and economic challenge we are facing. To use the words of Pope Francis when he was here in Hungary “a Europe centred on the human person and on its peoples, with effective policies for natality and the family (…), where different nations form a single family that protects the growth and uniqueness of each of its members”. This is our hope too, but moreover this is our commitment.

Thank you, everyone.  


15 September 2023

Il Presidente Meloni all'Assemblea di Confindustria

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato a Roma all'Assemblea di Confindustria 2023.

14 September 2023

Il Presidente Meloni all'Assemblea di Confindustria

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, partecipa all'Assemblea di Confindustria 2023 (Auditorium Parco della Musica “Ennio Morricone)

English | Italiano

L'intervento del Presidente Meloni al Budapest Demographic Summit - Sessione Family is the key to security

Thursday, 14 September 2023

A seguire traduzione di cortesia


Good morning everyone,

I obviously have to thank Katalin Novák, who is a fighter too. She is a great mother and a very good and great politician too and she is a friend of mine, as Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has been a good friend of mine for many years. I also want to bring my due greetings to all the authorities, to President Radev, and to Vice President Mpango.

I think today we have an important opportunity to discuss a number of issues that Italy considers key not just for the national, but also for the European agenda: the family and the demographic challenge. These challenges are at the heart of the Italian Government’s action through specific measures, focusing on initiatives regarding families and children in all different areas. Later on, I will tell you more about them, but what I want to say to begin is that we are mainly working to bring about a significant cultural change. There is indeed no doubt that a serious demographic crisis is affecting Italy, but it is also affecting the whole of Europe and is now spreading across vast areas of the world, particularly the West in its entirety.

If we try and take an in-depth look into this crisis, we realise that it originated a long time ago and is rooted not only in the anti-cyclical phases of the economy, but – more dangerously – in the quicksand that is the myth of birth rate decline and a widespread cultural approach that is generally hostile to the family. Until a few decades ago, people had children even during wars or in situations of poverty. 

Italy’s history is proof of this. After the Second World War, despite being reduced to ruins and finding itself in an extremely difficult situation, Italy experienced a phase of both major economic expansion and strong population growth. In 1964, more than a million children were born in Italy and there was a fertility rate of 2.7 children per woman.

Children represented not only regeneration of the family, but also an indispensable element of social well-being, for sons and daughters, by working, increased households’ ability to support themselves and they took care of their elderly relatives. If people are having fewer and fewer children today, with more developed nations often heading the fastest towards this downfall, then we cannot reduce this issue to a purely material fact: we have to look deeper into it and, from deep down, look for the necessary answers. In our view, demography is not just another of the many issues of our nations. It is the issue on which our nations’ future depends. I don’t think I am exaggerating in saying that, for we need the courage to say that demographers’ projections for the future are very worrying.   

One of the reasons for this crisis is undoubtedly how the issue is addressed from a cultural point of view, from a media point of view. Let’s think about how much the social models we see in advertisements, in films and TV programmes and in the world of media in general have changed over the years: the typical image of a family with children has gradually faded, with communications geared towards single people being favoured instead, showing citizens-consumers in their individual dimension - detached from the communities they belong to, starting with the first of the communities which is the family. You know what, some years ago, I became, well, a bit more popular, for during a speech I said “I’m Giorgia, I’m a mother, I’m a woman, I’m Italian, I’m Christian, you won’t take it out from me”. Somebody put it to music, it was a way to attack me. It didn’t work; it became a success. Maybe they underestimated how those words would be greeted. What I wanted to say with those words is that we live in an era in which everything that defines us is under attack. Why? And why is it dangerous? It is dangerous for our identity – our national identity, our family identity, our religious identity – is also what makes us aware of our rights and able to defend those rights. Without that identity, we are only numbers,  unconscious numbers, tools in the hands of those who want to use us. That is why I think a great battle for somebody who is defending humankind and the rights of people is also to defend families, is also to defend nations, is also to defend identity, is also to defend God and all the things that have built our civilisation.

They want to convince us that it’s not cool to talk about this subject, that doing so is actually almost a rearguard action, being carried out by people who don’t know how to keep up with the times. Well, they will never convince us about it. And it doesn’t really matter if today’s initiative will most likely not be talked about in terms of content, but rather with regard to what’s going on politically behind the scenes; for us, the important thing that is happening here today is that government and institutional representatives from different nations, different latitudes and different political orientations are discussing this issue, because they are simply responsible enough to understand that it is crucial. I am here because I am interested in talking about why Italians are no longer having the children they say they want in the polls; because I am interested in questioning why the whole of Europe is below the replacement rate - the famous two children per woman that would allow us to keep the population level constant. The experts have been talking about a slowdown for a long time now. In some areas, we are already in a phase of depopulation. However, unless the trend is reversed, the medium-term prognoses are critical. And, as I was saying, demographic prospects are inversely proportional to the level of well-being. To put it more simply, richer nations are where people are having less children. This is the reason why mobilising resources to support families and children is essential, and can deliver concrete results, as Hungary has perfectly demonstrated. Also Pope Francis made reference to this during his apostolic journey to Hungary in April this year. The example of Hungary tells us that things can change, if we want them to change. We need the willingness and we need the courage to do the right measures and substantial investments. 

Thanks to the policies developed by the government over the last years, Hungary inverted the negative birth rate trend that had been plaguing the nation since the early 1980s. Today, the birth rate has increased, the number of marriages has increased, the overall employment rate has increased and – very importantly – the rate of female employment has increased. I want to underline it for I always objected to the idea that many put forward that boosting the birth rate would mean discouraging women from work; as if the two things were not compatible, as if women should still have to be doomed to sacrifice either their job or their motherhood. It is not true. What the Hungarian example tells us is precisely the opposite, it tells us that, by developing family-oriented policies, by combining a family-friendly cultural approach with concrete policies to support families with children and the work-family balance, especially for mothers, it is possible to give women back the freedom to be able to bring children into the world without having to give up their careers as a result, and to be able to have a career without having to give up bringing children into the world as a result. For that is what true freedom is: being able to choose, and being able to have a full life, for children are not a limit. I’m doing a very difficult job, not much time to put everything together but, you know what? I became stronger when my daughter was born, and every time that I see her, I know now better than I knew before, that even when I’m tired, even when I think “ok, I will give up, I can do no more, that’s not a life”, that I’m doing something that, if I’m able to do that, I’m doing it moreover for her. Children make women stronger also in the work they do, they are not a limit. So we want to guarantee this freedom and Hungary’s experience regarding families and the birth rate is therefore an important one, and I want to say it for Italy looks at it with interest and admiration for the results achieved. I have the honour of heading the Italian government, as you know, which is a strong, cohesive government that has been in office for less than a year and that is aiming to work together we hope for many years to come (which is something quite rare in Italy, it’s not like here where things are more stable). Our government has made the birth rate and the family a top priority.

We have done so because we want Italy to go back to having a future, to hoping for and believing in a tomorrow that is better than the uncertain present we are in. We have begun by including the term ‘birth rate’ in the name of a Ministry for the first time ever, and we have linked the subject of the birth rate with that of the family and equal opportunities. That choice was not about form, it was about substance. It is the choice to have the point of view of the family in all the Government’s policies. We are obviously only at the beginning, but we have already set a direction. We have increased the so-called ‘single allowance’ that is paid to families with children; increased parental leave; reformed the instruments against poverty by transforming them from welfare payments that were a disincentive to work into measures to support families and those who are genuinely fragile, focusing once again on children and the fight against child poverty. And, we have raised the threshold of tax-free fringe benefits for workers with children, we have refinanced summer recreational centres, helped young couples to buy a house, and equally important work is being done with regard to the work-family balance, but the most important is that we have put the criteria of the family, the criteria of the birth rate, the criteria of the work-family life balance at the heart of every measure that we are doing. However, – and I want to stress this again – overall, we want our actions to also and above all help to create a new cultural climate, because, you see, when birth rate decline is talked about, some still argue that the population decreasing is actually not a bad thing after all. In the past, there have been specific policies at international level to control the population and encourage the birth rate to fall. Now that we are clearly facing the opposite problem, focusing policies on this issue paradoxically still causes annoyance. This issue is often instrumentally set against the one of migration, which it is claimed can give us the contribution in terms of welfare that our national societies should apparently resign themselves to no longer being able to offer. I do not agree with this narrative; I think that great nations and great peoples must take responsibility for building their own future and the future of their own corner of the world. I think that a quota of legal migration, where this is necessary and can be fully integrated, can make a positive contribution to our economies, but I remain convinced that it would be more responsible for us to entrust European citizens with the solution to the European welfare system crisis – citizens who are instead accustomizing to the idea that decline is a destiny. Well, decline is not a destiny, decline is a choice and it is not the choice that we will do. After all, if you think about it, birth rate decline is merely another side of the incapacitating myth of degrowth. As if degrowth could somehow mean happiness - but no, in my opinion, degrowth can never mean happiness. Applied to demography, it means not only a problem regarding the sustainability of the welfare or health system, but also a lack of inventiveness, creativity, innovation. A lack of hope. A lack of future.

I want to thank Katalin Novák, for this summit – this working session - is dedicated to the family as a “key of security” which is a concept that many years ago could seem banal, and now is quite courageous. So, thank you, Kat. It looks like we need courage for, today, it seems like talking about the family takes something away from someone, instead of adding something to everyone, which is what I think. As if none of us, regardless of our life path and regardless of our origins, were born into a family network. I can be the first to say that, for, as maybe some here know, I do not come from a family with ‘ordinary’ dynamics, and yet I feel in every way a daughter of a family. In recent weeks, there have been some serious incidents in Italy, in a place called Caivano, near Naples – a so-called ‘free zone’ where, for a long time, the State seemed to have withdrawn, giving too much free rein over the years to organised crime. Our government has taken decisive action, for Caivano and for all the other places like that in Italy. One of the key pillars of this initiative is precisely to encourage families to take back the responsibilities that belong to them, with regard to education, raising their children, keeping checks on the content that technology exposes them to right from a very young age and making sure they attend school. Likewise, in these months of government, we have tried to promote the work ethic and educational freedom, which is a cornerstone of personal freedoms on the one hand and of parental responsibilities on the other, which a certain ideological approach instead sees as smoke and mirrors. 

It is true that family is a “key of security”, with “key of security” not being meant, as a certain narrative would like to have us believe, as the severe and somewhat backward idea of a social-cultural superstructure that does not accept personal freedom, but rather as a ‘natural society’, as it is also defined in the Italian Constitution, in which tomorrow’s citizens are born and educated, in which everyone can receive education and training, discover their talents, develop their personalities inside a nest that guarantees security and protection, learn to love and to be loved, and learn what solidarity is. Today, after a prolonged ideological attack that has led to families receiving little help and support, the institution of the family appears to be in crisis, and we want to defend it, we want to revitalise it, as family does not limit anyone’s freedom but does increase everyone’s wealth. 

We do not believe that the State can replace family, and where this has been attempted in the past – as happened in Eastern Europe under Soviet rule – the results serve as a warning for everyone not to repeat the experiment. In this regard, over the last few days I have been amazed to read about the re-emergence of historical controversy over the events of 1956, which on many occasions, together with Viktor and Katalin, we have recalled as the founding moment of Hungary’s constitution and democracy. The revolution of 1956 was not only a revolt against foreign rule, but also a revolt against those who were trying to destroy the very foundations of a people’s identity: family, religion, national belonging. They are pages of history that cannot be rewritten and no propaganda operation today can ever tear them up. And pages of history that we see again today in Ukraine and that we cannot accept.
In conclusion, my friends, there can be many different ways to put the family at the heart of development policies, and these are clearly influenced by national cultures, identities, customs and traditions. However, there are many experiences that have worked, that are important to share – such as the experience that we see here in Hungary.

I think, I do agree with President Radev, that Europe must take action in this direction, focusing on policies for the family and the birth rate and accompanying nation states towards greater coordination, with genuine respect for the principle of subsidiarity. In short, demonstrating to have fully understood the extent of the cultural, social and economic challenge we are facing. To use the words of Pope Francis when he was here in Hungary “a Europe centred on the human person and on its peoples, with effective policies for natality and the family (…), where different nations form a single family that protects the growth and uniqueness of each of its members”. This is our hope too, but moreover this is our commitment.

Thank you, everyone.  


Buongiorno a tutti,

devo ovviamente ringraziare Katalin Novák, che è una combattente anche lei. È una grande madre e anche un'ottima e grande politica ed è una mia amica, così come il Primo Ministro Viktor Orbán è un mio buon amico da tanti anni.  Desidero inoltre portare i miei saluti a tutte le autorità, al Presidente Radev e al Vicepresidente Mpango.

Credo che oggi abbiamo un’importante occasione di confronto su alcuni temi che l’Italia ritiene centrali nell’agenda, non solo nazionale, ma europea: la famiglia e la sfida demografica. Il Governo italiano sta mettendo queste sfide al centro della sua azione con misure specifiche e con un’attenzione alle famiglie e ai figli negli interventi realizzati in ogni ambito. Ne accennerò più avanti ma quello che voglio dire per iniziare è che stiamo lavorando principalmente per imprimere una significativa svolta culturale. C’è infatti una grave crisi demografica che certamente investe l’Italia, ma investe anche tutta l’Europa, e sta contagiando ormai vaste aree del mondo, particolarmente l’intero Occidente.

Se proviamo a guardare in profondità questa crisi ci accorgiamo che ha origini lontane e radici che non affondano soltanto nel terreno delle fasi anti-cicliche dell’economia, ma - più pericolosamente - nelle sabbie mobili del mito della denatalità e di una impostazione culturale ormai diffusa generalmente ostile alla famiglia. Fino a pochi decenni fa i figli si facevano anche in tempo di guerra o in situazioni di povertà.

Lo dimostra la storia italiana. Nel secondo Dopoguerra, nonostante fosse ridotta in macerie e si trovasse in una situazione estremamente difficile, l'Italia ha vissuto una fase sia di grande espansione economica che di forte crescita demografica. Nel 1964 in Italia nasceva oltre un milione di bambini e il tasso di fecondità era di 2,7 figli per donna.

I figli rappresentavano non solo la rigenerazione della famiglia ma anche un imprescindibile elemento di benessere sociale, poiché i figli grazie al lavoro aumentavano le capacità di sostentamento dei nuclei familiari e si prendevano cura dei loro anziani. Se oggi si fanno sempre meno figli, e a correre più velocemente verso il precipizio sono spesso le Nazioni più sviluppate, non si può quindi ridurre il tema a un dato puramente materiale: bisogna indagare più nel profondo, e dal profondo cercare le risposte necessarie. Ma per come la vediamo noi la demografia non è una questione fra le tante per le nostre Nazioni. È la questione dalla quale dipende il futuro delle nostre Nazioni. Non credo di esagerare nell’affermarlo, perché bisogna avere il coraggio di dire che le proiezioni dei demografi per il futuro sono molto sconfortanti.

Uno dei motivi alla base di questa crisi è certamente il modo in cui si affronta la questione dal punto di vista culturale e mediatico. Pensiamo ad esempio a quanto sono cambiati negli anni i modelli sociali che ci vengono proposti nelle pubblicità, nel mondo del cinema e della tv, nel mondo dei media generalmente intesi. Una comunicazione che ha visto gradualmente sbiadire l’immagine-tipo della famiglia con bambini a vantaggio di una comunicazione a misura di single, che vede il cittadino-consumatore nella sua dimensione individuale, sganciato dalle sue appartenenze comunitarie, a partire dalla prima delle comunità che è la famiglia. Sapete, qualche anno fa sono diventata, beh, un po' più popolare, perché durante un discorso ho detto "Io sono Giorgia, sono una madre, sono una donna, sono italiana, sono cristiana, non me lo toglierete". Qualcuno l'ha messa in musica, era un modo per attaccarmi. Non ha funzionato; è diventato un successo. Forse hanno sottovalutato il modo in cui quelle parole sarebbero state accolte. Con quelle parole volevo dire che viviamo in un'epoca in cui tutto ciò che ci definisce è sotto attacco. Perché? E perché è pericoloso? È pericoloso perché la nostra identità - la nostra identità nazionale, la nostra identità familiare, la nostra identità religiosa - è anche ciò che ci rende consapevoli dei nostri diritti e capaci di difenderli. Senza questa identità, siamo solo numeri, numeri inconsapevoli, strumenti nelle mani di chi vuole usarci. Per questo penso che una grande battaglia per chi difende l'umanità e i diritti delle persone sia anche quella di difendere le famiglie, sia anche quella di difendere le nazioni, sia anche quella di difendere l'identità, sia anche quella di difendere Dio e tutto ciò che ha costruito la nostra civiltà.

Vogliono convincerci che parlare di questo tema non sia cool, sia anzi quasi una battaglia di retroguardia, portata avanti da persone che non sanno stare al passo con i tempi. Beh, non ci convinceranno mai di questo. E poco importa se molto probabilmente anche dell’iniziativa di oggi non si parterrà guardando ai contenuti, ma magari ai retroscena della politica, la cosa importante che accade qui oggi, per noi, è che esponenti di governo e istituzionali di diverse nazioni, diverse latitudini e diversi orientamenti politici si confrontano su questo tema perché sono semplicemente abbastanza responsabili da comprendere che è decisivo. E io sono qui perché mi interessa parlare del perché gli italiani non fanno più quei figli che pure nei sondaggi dicono di desiderare, perché mi interessa interrogarmi sulla ragione per la quale l’intera Europa è sotto il tasso di sostituzione, ovvero quei famosi due figli per donna che consentono di tenere costante il livello della popolazione. Gli esperti parlano da tempo di rallentamento. In alcune aree siamo già nella fase dello spopolamento. Ma le prognosi di medio periodo, se non si inverte la tendenza, sono critiche. E, come dicevo, le prospettive demografiche sono inversamente proporzionali al tasso di benessere. Per dirla più semplicemente, le Nazioni più ricche sono quelle dove si fanno meno figli. Questa è la ragione per la quale mobilitare risorse a sostegno della famiglia e dei figli è essenziale. E può dare risultati concreti, come l’Ungheria ha perfettamente dimostrato. Lo ha richiamato anche Papa Francesco nel corso del suo viaggio apostolico in Ungheria dello scorso aprile. L’esempio ungherese ci dice che le cose possono cambiare, se si vuole che cambino. Occorre la volontà e il coraggio di fare le misure giuste e investimenti importanti. 

Grazie alle politiche sviluppate in questi anni dal governo, in Ungheria è stata invertita la tendenza negativa delle nascite che affliggeva la Nazione dagli inizi degli anni Ottanta. Oggi il tasso di natalità è aumentato, il numero di matrimoni è aumentato, il tasso di occupazione generale è aumentato e – cosa molto importante – è aumentato il tasso di occupazione femminile. Lo voglio sottolineare perché mi sono sempre opposta all’idea portata avanti da molti secondo la quale incentivare la natalità significherebbe disincentivare il lavoro femminile. Come se le due cose non fossero compatibili, come se le donne dovessero essere comunque condannate a sacrificare il lavoro o la maternità. E’ falso. Quello che ci dice l’esempio ungherese è esattamente il contrario: ci dice che sviluppando politiche orientate alla famiglia, sposando un approccio culturale family-friendly con politiche concrete a sostegno delle famiglie con bambini e della conciliazione famiglia-lavoro, in particolare per le mamme, si può restituire alle donne la libertà di poter mettere al mondo dei figli senza per questo rinunciare a una carriera e di poter avere una carriera senza per questo rinunciare a mettere al mondo dei figli. Perché è questa la vera libertà: poter scegliere, e poter avere una vita piena, perché i figli non sono un limite. Sto facendo un lavoro molto difficile, non ho molto tempo per mettere insieme tutto ma, sapete cosa? Sono diventata più forte quando è nata mia figlia, e ogni volta che la vedo, ora so meglio di prima, che anche quando sono stanca, anche quando penso "ok, mi arrendo, non ce la faccio più, non è una vita", che sto facendo qualcosa che, se sono in grado di farla, lo faccio anche per lei. I figli rendono le donne più forti anche nel lavoro che svolgono, non sono un limite. Quindi vogliamo garantire questa libertà e dunque quella ungherese su famiglia e natalità è un’esperienza importante, e lo voglio dire perché l’Italia la guarda con interesse e ammirazione per i risultati raggiunti. Ho l’onore di presiedere il governo italiano, come sapete, che è un governo forte, coeso, che è in carica da meno di un anno e che punta  a lavorare insieme speriamo ancora per molti anni (che è una rarità per l’Italia, non è come qui dove le cose sono più stabili). Il nostro governo ha fatto della natalità e della famiglia una priorità assoluta.

E lo abbiamo fatto perché vogliamo che l’Italia torni ad avere un futuro, a sperare e a credere in un avvenire migliore rispetto al presente incerto in cui ci troviamo. Abbiamo iniziato inserendo per la prima volta nella storia la parola “natalità” nella denominazione di un Ministero, e abbiamo collegato il tema della natalità con quello della famiglia e delle pari opportunità. Non è una scelta di forma, ma di sostanza. È la scelta di avere il punto di vista della famiglia su tutte le politiche che il Governo porta avanti. Siamo ovviamente solo all’inizio, ma abbiamo già tracciato una direzione. Abbiamo aumentato l’assegno unico per i figli; potenziato i congedi parentali; riformato gli strumenti contro la povertà trasformandoli da un contributo assistenziale di disincentivo al lavoro a misure di sostegno alle famiglie e alle situazioni di reale fragilità, mettendo al centro ancora una volta i figli e la lotta alla povertà infantile. E ancora, abbiamo innalzato la soglia di benefici accessori esentasse ai lavoratori con figli, abbiamo rifinanziato i centri estivi ricreativi, aiutato le coppie giovani ad acquistare casa e un lavoro altrettanto importante è in campo sul fronte della conciliazione tra lavoro e famiglia. Ma soprattutto, abbiamo messo il criterio della famiglia, il criterio della natalità, il criterio della conciliazione tra lavoro e vita familiare, al centro di ogni provvedimento che stiamo facendo. Ma – e ci tengo a ribadirlo – vorremmo che il complesso della nostra azione aiutasse anche e soprattutto a creare un nuovo clima culturale. Perché vedete, quando si parla di denatalità, c’è ancora chi sostiene che in fondo la diminuzione della popolazione non sia un male. In passato ci sono state a livello internazionale politiche esplicite di controllo demografico e promozione della denatalità. Ora che con ogni evidenza siamo di fronte al problema opposto, mettere questo tema al centro delle politiche suscita paradossalmente ancora fastidio. Spesso questo tema viene strumentalmente messo in contrapposizione con quello della migrazione, dalla quale si pretenderebbe di ottenere quel contributo in termini di welfare che le nostre società nazionali dovrebbero rassegnarsi a non offrire più. È una narrazione che non condivido; penso che grandi nazioni e grandi popoli debbano assumersi le proprie responsabilità nel realizzare il futuro proprio e quello del proprio angolo di mondo. Penso che una quota di migrazione regolare, laddove necessaria e pienamente integrabile, possa rappresentare un contributo positivo per le nostre economie ma rimango convinta che la soluzione alla crisi del nostro sistema di welfare europeo dovremmo più responsabilmente affidarla ai cittadini europei che invece si stanno abituando all’idea che il declino sia un destino. Beh, il declino non è un destino, il declino è una scelta e non è una scelta che faremo noi. E in fondo, se ci pensate, la denatalità non è che un’altra faccia del mito incapacitante della decrescita. Come se la decrescita potesse essere felice. E invece no, a mio avviso la decrescita non è mai felice. E applicata alla demografia significa non soltanto un problema di sostenibilità del welfare o del sistema sanitario, ma significa mancanza di inventiva, di creatività, di innovazione. Una mancanza di speranza. Una mancanza di futuro. 

Voglio ringraziare Katalin Novák perché questo vertice, questa sessione di lavoro è dedicata alla famiglia come “key of security”: un concetto che molti anni fa poteva sembrare banale, e che ora è piuttosto coraggioso. Quindi, grazie Kat. Sembra che abbiamo bisogno di coraggio perché, oggi, sembra che parlare di famiglia tolga qualcosa a qualcuno, invece di aggiungere qualcosa a tutti, che è quello che penso io. Come se ognuno di noi, qualsiasi sia il percorso di vita proprio e qualsiasi siano le proprie origini, non fosse nato all’interno di una rete familiare. Posso dirlo io per prima, che come forse qualcuno qui sa non provengo da una famiglia dalle dinamiche “ordinarie”. Eppure, mi sento in tutto e per tutto figlia di una famiglia. Nelle scorse settimane in Italia si sono verificati gravi fatti di cronaca in una località chiamata Caivano, vicino Napoli, una cosiddetta “zona franca” nella quale a lungo lo Stato è sembrato essersi ritirato, lasciando negli anni troppo campo libero alla criminalità organizzata. Il nostro governo è intervenuto con decisione, per quel luogo e per tutte le Caivano d’Italia. E tra i capisaldi di questo intervento c’è proprio quello di spronare le famiglie a recuperare le responsabilità che appartengono loro, in campo educativo, nella crescita dei figli, nel controllo dei contenuti ai quali le tecnologie li espongono fin da piccolissimi, nella frequenza scolastica. Come pure, in questi mesi di governo, abbiamo cercato di promuovere l’etica del lavoro e la libertà educativa, caposaldo da un lato delle libertà personali e dall’altro delle responsabilità genitoriali, che una certa impostazione ideologica vede invece come fumo negli occhi. 

“Key of security”, è vero, questa è la famiglia. Dove per “key of security” non si intende, come una certa narrazione vorrebbe far credere, l’idea arcigna e un po’ retriva di una sovrastruttura socio-culturale che non accetta la libertà personale. Ma una “società naturale”, come è definita anche dalla Costituzione italiana, nella quale crescono e si formano i cittadini di domani, nella quale ognuno può formarsi, scoprire i propri talenti, sviluppare la propria personalità all’interno di un nido che garantisce sicurezza e protezione, imparare ad amare ed essere amato, imparare cos’è la solidarietà. Oggi, dopo un lungo attacco di natura ideologica che ha portato la famiglia ad essere poco aiutata e poco sostenuta, l’istituto familiare appare in crisi, e noi vogliamo difenderlo, noi vogliamo rilanciarlo, perché la famiglia non limita la libertà di nessuno e accresce la ricchezza di tutti. 

Riteniamo che lo Stato non possa sostituirsi alla famiglia, e dove nella storia si è tentato di farlo – com’è successo nell’Europa dell’Est sotto il dominio sovietico – gli esiti valgono come monito per tutti a non ripetere l’esperimento. A proposito, ho letto con stupore in questi giorni il riemergere di polemiche storiche sui fatti del 1956, che tante volte con Viktor e Katalin abbiamo ricordato come momento fondante per la Costituzione e la democrazia ungherese. Quella Rivoluzione del 1956, non fu solo la rivolta contro un dominio straniero ma anche la rivolta contro chi tentava di distruggere i fondamenti alla base dell’identità di un popolo: famiglia, religione, appartenenza nazionale. Sono pagine di storia che non possono essere riscritte e che nessuna operazione propagandistica di oggi potrà mai strappare. E pagine di storia che rivediamo oggi in Ucraina e che non possiamo accettare.

In conclusione, amici, le ricette per mettere la famiglia al centro delle politiche di sviluppo possono essere diverse e chiaramente sono influenzate dalle culture, dalle identità, dalle abitudini, dalle tradizioni nazionali. Ma esistono molte esperienze che hanno funzionato che sarebbe importante mettere in rete - come l'esperienza che vediamo qui in Ungheria.

Credo, sono d'accordo con il Presidente Radev, che l'Europa debba battere un colpo in questa direzione, mettendo le politiche per la famiglia e per la natalità al centro, accompagnando gli Stati nazionali verso un maggiore coordinamento, nel rispetto autentico del principio di sussidiarietà. Dimostrando, insomma, di aver compreso appieno la portata della sfida culturale, sociale ed economica che stiamo affrontando. “Un’Europa - utilizzando proprio le parole di Papa Francesco qui in Ungheria - centrata sulla persona e sui popoli, dove vi siano politiche effettive per la natalità e la famiglia, (…) dove nazioni diverse siano una famiglia in cui si custodiscono la crescita e la singolarità di ciascuno”. È questa anche la nostra speranza, ma soprattutto è questo il nostro impegno. 

Grazie a tutti.


14 September 2023

President Meloni meets with Prime Minister Orbán of Hungary

Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and Prime Minister Viktor Orban met today in Budapest to discuss the main European and international issues and the excellent bilateral relations between Rome and Budapest. Commenting on the outcomes  of the Budapest Demographic Forum, they reiterated the importance of the value of the family also in view of the demographic challenge facing Europe.

14 September 2023

President Meloni in Budapest

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni delivered a speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit this morning, during the session ‘Family is the key to security’, held at the city’s Museum of Fine Arts.

14 September 2023

President Meloni in Budapest

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni delivered a speech at the Budapest Demographic Summit this morning, during the session ‘Family is the key to security’, held at the city’s Museum of Fine Arts. President Meloni later met with the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orbán, at the Carmelite Monastery.
