English | Italiano

Intervento in occasione del conferimento del Grotius Prize da parte del think tank Policy Exchange

Friday, 28 April 2023

A seguire la traduzione di cortesia.


Good morning to everyone.

It is absolutely my privilege and honour to address you on my first visit to the United Kingdom as Prime Minister of Italy. 
I would like to express my gratitude for the invitation to this prestigious institution. Yesterday with my friend Rishi Sunak, we stressed our mutual belief in the importance of centres dedicated to cultural and political exchange like yours.
I would, therefore, like to warmly thank Lord Godson for thinking of me as the awardee of the Grotius Prize for 2023. 
The nature, the symbolism and political meaning of this Prize and the values that inspire it are the foundation of the Western political communities and are at the core of our Nations. 
We could consider Hugo Grotius as one of the fathers of the rules-based international order. Today, more than ever, freedom, peace, independence and sovereignty are principles worth re-affirming and - more importantly - fighting for, literally. Today more than ever we are called upon to defend these principles, the very foundations of the international law, without which we would be in a chaotic situation. 
The Ukrainian people have proven that there is something stronger than missiles and tanks: the love for freedom, an unbreakable force, because it is born and grows within us. 
As Winston Churchill once said: “All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honour, duty, mercy, hope”. This is the true lesson that Ukrainian patriots have reminded each of us. On February 24th, 2022, the Russian Federation shocked the world by invading Ukraine. Putin's goal was to make Ukraine a vassal-State, denying its national identity.
But that plan failed against the courage of those who love their Nation and are not willing to lose their identity, their sovereignty, their freedom. It shattered against the reaction of the Free World, which did not hesitate for a moment to take sides. The reaction - united, strong, determined - showed how much we are willing to fight to reaffirm our founding values and defend our achievements. Values and achievements that should never be taken for granted. 
The Russian aggression is not simply an act of war; it is an assault against the fundamental principles of civilization and we cannot allow the law of the strongest to overcome the strength of law. This is not exclusively an interest of Europe. This is the basis for peaceful coexistence of all nations.
I know that there are many who feel that Europe has, in the past, failed to acknowledge that the world’s problems are also ours. Until the past few years, our vision and action have been dramatically short-sighted. This should no longer be the case: we have to boldly tackle together the challenges of the Twenty First Century, and the Time Is Now!
Will the nations we call the “Global South” follow us?  Most of the abstentions on UN Resolutions come from Africa and Asia. We cannot give the impression that we do not dedicate the right attention to other key strategic areas of the world. The rest of the world is watching us. We have to counter the risk of polarization between the North and South, between “West and the rest”. We need to identify new areas of cooperation with these countries, with concrete offers, tailored to their needs.
This is why my Government is working to establish a model of cooperation with African Nations on an equal basis, an initiative called “Mattei Plan”, remembering the former CEO of Italy’s energy company ENI, whose birth date is celebrated tomorrow. The “Mattei Plan” for Africa is based on a strong refusal of the predatory approach of the past, and aims to cooperate with Africa to create its own prosperity through its many resources. 

Dear Lord Godson, Dear Guests, 

It is a time of uncertainty and crisis. A time in which all of us – as individuals, populations and Nations - have the opportunity to prove ourselves. A crisis can be the engine of a choice, of an action, of a change. From a crisis we can emerge stronger and freer. And we can track the direction of a new path. A path in which we must have the ability to preserve what is precious and irreplaceable. Our identity, our history, our values. The civilization we built. 
We don’t stand with Ukraine because we like the war, we stand with Ukraine because what we want to defend is stronger than the fear of war. 
Sir John Ronald Tolkien wrote: “I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend”.
The way is not to erase our home, it is not to give up our freedom or our values.
The way is to love our home and to make it even more solid and strong in bad weather. 
Roger Scruton said it best: "The real reason why people are conservative is that they are attached to the things they love". 
This is the time ahead of us, this is exactly the time we intend to live. 



Buongiorno a tutti,

Per me è assolutamente un privilegio e un onore rivolgermi a voi in occasione della mia prima visita nel Regno Unito come Presidente del Consiglio dei Ministri della Repubblica Italiana.
Vorrei esprimere la mia gratitudine per l'invito a questa prestigiosa istituzione. Ieri, con il mio amico Rishi Sunak, abbiamo sottolineato la nostra comune convinzione dell'importanza di centri dedicati allo scambio culturale e politico come il vostro.

Vorrei quindi ringraziare calorosamente Lord Godson per aver pensato a me come assegnataria del Premio Grotius per il 2023.
La natura, il simbolismo e il significato politico di questo Premio e i valori che lo ispirano sono alla base delle comunità politiche occidentali e sono al centro delle nostre Nazioni.
Hugo Grotius potrebbe essere considerato uno dei padri dell'ordine internazionale basato sulle regole. Oggi, più che mai, la libertà, la pace, l'indipendenza e la sovranità sono principi che meritano di essere riaffermati e, soprattutto, sono principi per cui vale la pena lottare, letteralmente. Oggi più che mai siamo chiamati a difendere questi principi, le fondamenta stesse del diritto internazionale, senza i quali ci troveremmo in una situazione caotica.
Il popolo ucraino ha dimostrato che esiste qualcosa di più forte dei missili e dei carri armati: l'amore per la libertà, una forza infrangibile, perché nasce e cresce dentro di noi.
Come disse una volta Winston Churchill: “Tutte le grandi cose sono semplici, e molte possono essere espresse in una sola parola: libertà, giustizia, onore, dovere, misericordia, speranza”. Questa è la vera lezione che i patrioti ucraini hanno ricordato a ciascuno di noi. Il 24 febbraio 2022, la Federazione Russa ha scioccato il mondo invadendo l'Ucraina. L'obiettivo di Putin era quello di rendere l'Ucraina uno Stato vassallo, negando la sua identità nazionale.
Ma quel piano è fallito di fronte al coraggio di chi ama la propria Nazione e non è disposto a perdere la propria identità, la propria sovranità, la propria libertà. Si è infranto contro la reazione del Mondo Libero, che non ha esitato un attimo a schierarsi. Quella reazione - unita, forte, determinata - ha dimostrato quanto siamo disposti a lottare per riaffermare i nostri valori fondanti e difendere le nostre conquiste. Valori e conquiste che non dovrebbero mai essere dati per scontati.
L'aggressione russa non è semplicemente un atto di guerra; è un attacco ai principi fondamentali della civiltà e non possiamo permettere che la legge del più forte prevalga sulla forza del diritto. Questo non è un interesse esclusivo dell'Europa. È la base per la coesistenza pacifica di tutte le nazioni.
So che molti ritengono che l'Europa, in passato, non abbia riconosciuto che i problemi del mondo sono anche i nostri. Fino agli ultimi anni, la nostra visione e le nostre azioni sono state drammaticamente miopi. Non dovrebbe più essere così: dobbiamo affrontare insieme e con coraggio le sfide del ventunesimo secolo, ed è ora il momento!
Le nazioni che chiamiamo il "Sud globale" ci seguiranno? La maggior parte delle astensioni sulle risoluzioni delle Nazioni Unite proviene dall'Africa e dall'Asia. Non possiamo dare l'impressione di non dedicare la giusta attenzione ad altre aree strategiche chiave del mondo. Il resto del mondo ci sta guardando. Dobbiamo contrastare il rischio di polarizzazione tra Nord e Sud, tra "l’Occidente e il resto". Dobbiamo individuare nuove aree di cooperazione con questi Paesi, con offerte concrete e su misura per le loro esigenze.
Per questo il mio Governo sta lavorando per stabilire un modello di cooperazione con le Nazioni africane su base paritaria, un'iniziativa chiamata "Piano Mattei", ricordando l'ex amministratore delegato dell'azienda di energia italiana ENI, di cui domani ricorre la data di nascita. Il "Piano Mattei" per l'Africa si basa su un forte rifiuto dell'approccio predatorio del passato, e mira a cooperare con l'Africa per creare la propria prosperità attraverso le sue numerose risorse.

Caro Lord Godson, Cari Ospiti, 

Sono tempi di incertezza e di crisi. Sono tempi in cui tutti noi - come individui, popolazioni e Nazioni - abbiamo l'opportunità di dimostrare il nostro valore. Una crisi può essere il motore di una scelta, di un'azione, di un cambiamento. Da una crisi possiamo uscire più forti e più liberi. E possiamo tracciare la direzione di un nuovo percorso. Un percorso in cui dobbiamo avere la capacità di preservare ciò che è prezioso e insostituibile. La nostra identità, la nostra storia, i nostri valori. La civiltà che abbiamo costruito.
Non siamo al fianco dell’Ucraina perché ci piace la guerra, siamo al fianco dell’Ucraina perché ciò che vogliamo difendere è più forte della paura della guerra.
Sir John Ronald Tolkien ha scritto: “io non amo la lucente spada per la sua lama tagliente, né la freccia per la sua rapidità, né il guerriero per la gloria acquisita. Amo solo ciò che difendono”.
La strada non è quella di cancellare la nostra casa, non è quella di rinunciare alla nostra libertà oppure ai nostri valori.
La strada è quella di amare la nostra casa e di renderla ancora più solida e forte in caso di maltempo.
Roger Scruton l’ha detto nel modo migliore: “Il vero motivo per cui le persone sono conservatrici è che sono attaccate alle cose che amano”. 
Questi sono i tempi che ci aspettano, questi sono esattamente i tempi che intendiamo vivere.


English | Italiano

President Meloni’s speech at the Bilateral Conference on the Reconstruction of Ukraine

Wednesday, 26 April 2023

[The following video is available in Italian only]

Good afternoon everyone.
Thank you for being here and thanks to those who have worked so hard to organise this event, starting with Minister Tajani and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Thank you to everyone who has spoken and my heartfelt thanks also go to Prime Minister Shmyhal and the Ministers in the large delegation accompanying him at this event; I am very happy to welcome them, both personally and on behalf of the Government and the entire Italian population who, since that awful day on 24 February last year, have never stopped providing Ukraine with comprehensive support.
It could not have been any other way. Italy could have made no other choice but to stand with the Ukrainian people in this battle for their freedom, for their integrity, for their sovereignty, not only because this was the right thing to do, but also because, and I wish to take this opportunity to stress this once again, what is happening today in Ukraine concerns us all. It concerns us all because of the respect we should all have for a population’s freedom and sovereignty, and it concerns us all because a world in which the force of law is replaced by the law of the strongest is a world that is not in anyone’s interest and is not in our interest.
The Ukrainian people are also fighting for us. The Ukrainian people fighting does not bring the conflict closer, it averts a possible conflict closer to us. So the support we are providing is a must, it is necessary, and we have provided that support in all areas needed; this is the context for the conference on reconstruction we have organised here today.
I personally made this commitment on behalf of Italy when I visited Kyiv in February, one of the many commitments Italy has delivered on, demonstrating its reliability, its ability to keep its word and its ability to be coherent and credible in the choices it makes.
The aim of this event is above all to look forward and talk about reconstruction, placing the extraordinary know-how of our businesses and producers at the heart of that reconstruction. So, today we are proud to welcome here, and I really wish to thank them, the top managers of 600 of Italy’s best companies, the top managers of 150 of Ukraine’s best companies, and of course also the Ministers involved and the representatives from major international financial institutions. 
We are here to talk about the present, to talk about the future, to talk about Ukraine’s future, which is a future of peace, freedom and well-being. This is the message that the international community wants to firmly reiterate today from Rome: Ukraine’s future is a future of peace and freedom; there are no other possible solutions, there are no other options.
We want to contribute to this objective not only by helping Ukraine to defend itself and not only by supporting all political options, including envisaging a negotiated solution to the conflict, as long as this is based on the premise that this nation’s integrity is not in question and as long as there is an awareness that an invasion must never be exchanged with the word peace.
We are working for an end to the conflict, and we are already moving in this direction starting today with our initiative, with the many initiatives we are pursuing.
It is our task to help Ukraine write this new chapter in its history and Italy is well placed to absolutely play a leading role in this process, not only considering the determination and credibility with which we have made our choices, and the fact that we have never wavered, but also because, for example, Italy will hold the rotating presidency of the G7 next year, in 2024; it has played a leading role in all the major choices that have been made over these years; and, I would like to add, it is also a candidate to host the Ukraine Recovery Conference in 2025, a much bigger event than this one, as a sign of our willingness to move forward on this. 
Our task is to immediately work to restore what has been destroyed in Ukraine, starting with strategic infrastructure and energy infrastructure. Look at the profound meaning of Russia’s choice to strike all the strategic infrastructure needed to sustain the civilian population. They attempted to make a population surrender with cold, with darkness, with hunger.
I think Italy should be proud of the fact that one of the main things we focused on in the last aid package for Ukraine was electricity generators to give electricity, warmth, water and food back to the Ukrainian people, who in any case had not given in.
I think Italians should be proud of this, but I also think that, from today, we must work to rebuild the infrastructure that has been hit, or that continues to be hit, in liberated areas: roads, bridges, schools, hospitals. Everything is needed.
This process requires not only the support of the nations backing Kyiv and of multilateral and financial institutions. I would like to take this opportunity to announce, and I know that the Ukrainians care a great deal about this, that SACE [Italian Export Credit Agency] is ready to relaunch its activities in Ukraine, of course within a framework of international financial support that is needed precisely for the completion of strategic projects, including services, infrastructure and energy. SACE is ready to resume the operations that were suspended in 2022 due to the conflict, and to support new operations.   
This support is fundamental. The support provided by nations is fundamental, the support provided by multilateral organisations is fundamental and the support provided by financial organisations is fundamental.
However, considering the amount of reconstruction work needed, it is clear that a responsible commitment by private entities is also fundamental because, to support Ukraine’s economic recovery, it will be crucial to be able to count on companies, with their entrepreneurial spirit and the level of expertise that each has in their own key sectors. In other words, our ambitious objectives require a significant injection of private capital and investment. 
Ukraine is a proud nation, certainly, but it is also a dynamic nation that is rich in resources and has plenty of talent. It is a nation that offers great investment opportunities to those with a shrewd eye. It is no coincidence that Italy is Ukraine’s third largest trading partner, and it is no coincidence that we have signed a technological and industrial cooperation agreement with Kyiv in several strategic sectors: I am thinking of logistics, high technology and agricultural machinery, through to start-ups, small and medium-sized enterprises and its production fabric that, in certain respects, is very similar to Italy’s.

Our ‘Sistema Italia’ is already present in Ukraine. Together with financial and international institutions and our agencies that support internationalisation, we are working to strengthen this ‘Italian system’ in Ukraine, including the matter of the necessary insurance for investors against the risks deriving from the conflict. We intend to continue pursuing this commitment, also via the international donors’ platform in which our nation has participated since the beginning.

So, what I want to say to the very authoritative audience sitting here in front of me today, what I want to say to Italian entrepreneurs, is: do not be afraid, do not be afraid to invest, do not be afraid to build, to reconstruct, do not be afraid to look beyond the difficult months we are going through. Do not be afraid to bet on Ukraine’s victory and to bet on this country’s European integration, because we will strongly support Ukrainians’ right to be an integral part of the European family. I and we consider this aspiration, held by those who are today defending also our freedom with their lives, to be absolutely sacrosanct. 
I also believe this is an opportunity for all of us, for Europe, to grow, to open up, to expand its borders. The steps forward that the government has made in this regard with its reforms are very important, as mentioned by President Zelensky, whom I wish to thank and greet. I believe due attention must also be paid to this because, despite being in the middle of a conflict, the government continues to work to move closer and closer to European standards, demonstrating its desire to be fully European.
I believe that these efforts, at such a difficult time, in such a difficult situation, can only be rewarded, by speeding up the initiatives necessary to foster this integration as much as possible. This is also a demonstration of the extraordinary strength of the Ukrainian people, who have shown to the world, and continue to show every day, what it means to love your freedom, to love your homeland and who, despite their suffering, have in the end been able to also turn the crisis into an opportunity, also in a way to question themselves, to demand more from themselves and to take steps forward. An opportunity to strengthen their ranks, to react, to improve, to modernise, because, yes, crises always present opportunities too. They drive choices, they drive action; they inevitably also bring opportunities with them. We Italians, who built the economic miracle of the 1960s on the rubble of the Second World War, know this better than anyone. So I would like it to be us Italians again today, with that know-how, with that experience, to build also the next economic miracle in Ukraine. This challenge is within our reach because, after all, no one knows how to turn crises into opportunities like Italians have shown they can. 
I am certain these efforts may also bring Kyiv’s economic performance in line with its neighbours much faster than we can imagine today. In my view, investing in Ukraine’s reconstruction today is not risky. In my view, investing in Ukraine’s reconstruction today is an extremely prudent and forward-looking investment. It is an investment in peace, it is an investment in well-being. It is an investment in the economic growth of Ukraine, Italy and Europe. I trust that those who, like us, have always been pioneers of opportunities that others don’t see, will not miss this one.

I will conclude by saying, dear Prime Minister, that we are ready to create a new page of our common history together. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry wrote that if you want to build a ship, then you shouldn’t drum up people to cut wood, divide the work and give orders, but rather teach them to yearn for the sea. To rebuild a war-torn nation, money, engineers, architects and workers (although they will be needed) are not enough; a longing for freedom is needed, that longing for their future that the Ukrainian people have demonstrated so well. Reconstruction is therefore possible and inevitable. 
War often undermines confidence in the future, it tends to blind people. It has not been so in this case. In this case, the people have not allowed themselves to be blinded. In this case, the people looked their enemy right in the eye and chose to fight, because they wanted to look beyond that enemy, they wanted to look to what would come after, to what was ahead.
Today, we, Italy, the international community, are also all looking in the same direction, and we are all looking beyond this conflict, beyond that enemy, beyond that invasion, beyond that injustice. The best way to look beyond is to imagine a rebuilt Ukraine, because every school, every home, every hospital, every bell tower that we rebuild together in Ukraine will form part of the foundations for the whole of Europe.

Thank you all for what you will be able to do.

[Courtesy translation]

28 April 2023

Il Presidente Meloni a Londra

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in visita ufficiale a Londra, ha tenuto un intervento presso l'Ambasciata italiana e al think tank Policy Exchange in occasione del conferimento del Grotius Prize. Nella prima giornata, l'incontro con Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, Rishi Sunak.

28 April 2023

President Meloni in London

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni visited London on 27 and 28 April. Today, she delivered a speech at the Italian Embassy and at the Policy Exchange think tank after being awarded the Grotius Prize.
Yesterday, President Meloni met with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street, where the two leaders signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation. Later in the afternoon, President Meloni was accompanied by Prime Minister Sunak on a visit to Westminster Abbey.

28 April 2023

Il Presidente Meloni a Londra

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, in visita ufficiale a Londra il 27 e 28 aprile, ha tenuto un intervento all'Ambasciata italiana e al think tank Policy Exchange in occasione del conferimento del Grotius Prize. Nel corso della prima giornata, l'incontro a Downing Street con il Primo Ministro Rishi Sunak e la firma del Memorandum d’Intesa sulla Cooperazione Bilaterale. In seguito, accompagnata dal Primo Ministro Sunak, il Presidente Meloni ha visitato l'Abbazia di Westminster. 

27 April 2023

Comunicato stampa del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 31

Il Consiglio dei Ministri si è riunito giovedì 27 aprile 2023, alle ore 18.47, a Palazzo Chigi, sotto la presidenza del Vicepresidente Antonio Tajani. Segretario, il Sottosegretario alla Presidenza del Consiglio Alfredo Mantovano.

28 April 2023

President Meloni in London

President of the Council of Ministers Giorgia Meloni visited London on 27 and 28 April. Today, she delivered a speech at the Italian Embassy and at the Policy Exchange think tank after being awarded the Grotius Prize.
Yesterday, President Meloni met with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak at 10 Downing Street, where the two leaders signed a Memorandum of Understanding on Bilateral Cooperation. Later in the afternoon, President Meloni was accompanied by Prime Minister Sunak on a visit to Westminster Abbey.

27 April 2023

Consiglio dei Ministri n. 31

Si è svolta a Palazzo Chigi la riunione del Consiglio dei Ministri.

27 April 2023

Convocazione del Consiglio dei Ministri n. 31

Il Consiglio dei Ministri è convocato giovedì 27 aprile, alle ore 18.30 a Palazzo Chigi, per l'esame del seguente ordine del giorno:

  • Documento di economia e finanza 2023, ai sensi dell'articolo 10 della legge 31 dicembre 2009, n. 196 (ECONOMIA E FINANZE).
