11 July 2024

President Meloni attends NATO Summit in Washington

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, attended the NATO Summit, which was held in Washington from 9 to 11 July. Following the working sessions, President Meloni addressed journalists at a press point.

11 July 2024

Il Presidente Meloni al Vertice Nato a Washington

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha partecipato al Vertice della Nato che si è tenuto a Washington dal 9 all'11 luglio. Al termine dei lavori, il Presidente ha tenuto un punto stampa.

11 July 2024

President Meloni meets with Prime Minister Starmer at NATO Summit

The President of the Council of Ministers, Giorgia Meloni, had a bilateral meeting today with the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer, in the margins of the NATO Summit in Washington.

11 July 2024

Vertice Nato, incontro Meloni - Starmer

Il Presidente del Consiglio, Giorgia Meloni, ha avuto oggi, a margine del Vertice NATO a Washington, un incontro bilaterale con il Primo Ministro del Regno Unito, Keir Starmer.

11 July 2024

Campagna di comunicazione “Dichiarazione precompilata 2024”

Lo spot della campagna istituzionale “Dichiarazione precompilata 2024”, realizzata dal Ministero dell’Economia e delle Finanze e dall’Agenzia delle Entrate  e relativo all’opportunità di accedere alla propria dichiarazione precompilata sul sito delle Entrate anche nella nuova modalità “semplificata”, ha come obiettivo quello di informare i cittadini sull’avvio della stagione dichiarativa, sulle modalità di accesso della precompilata e la possibilità di utilizzare la nuova modalità semplificata.

04 July 2024

NRRP steering committee meeting on actions to overcome illegal settlements in agriculture

A steering committee meeting for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) was held this afternoon, called and chaired by the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto, and attended by Minister of Labour and Social Policies Marina Calderone, Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti, Undersecretary of State to the Ministry of the Interior Emanuele Prisco, President of ANCI [National Association of Italian Municipalities] Antonio Decaro and the Special commissioner for work to overcome illegal settlements and fight labour exploitation in agriculture, Maurizio Falco.

04 July 2024

NRRP steering committee meeting on progress of university housing measures

A steering committee meeting for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (NRRP) was held early this afternoon, called and chaired by the Minister for European Affairs, Southern Italy, Cohesion Policy and the NRRP, Raffaele Fitto. The purpose of the meeting, attended by Minister of University and Research Anna Maria Bernini, Minister of Economy and Finance Giancarlo Giorgetti and Special commissioner for university housing Manuela Manenti, was to verify the implementation status of measures regarding university housing.

10 July 2024

President Meloni meets with President Erdoğan at NATO Summit

The meeting provided an opportunity for the two leaders to discuss the main content of the Summit, with a view to strengthening bilateral coordination within the Atlantic Alliance particularly in relation to the southern flank, as well as the most pressing international issues.

10 July 2024

Vertice Nato, incontro Meloni - Erdoğan

L’incontro ha consentito ai due leader di passare in rassegna i principali contenuti del Vertice, nell’ottica del rafforzamento del coordinamento bilaterale all’interno dell’Alleanza atlantica in particolare rispetto al fianco Sud, nonché i temi di maggiore attualità nel contesto internazionale.

08 July 2024

Mattei Plan for Africa: agreement signed for food and agriculture centre in Mozambique

An agreement was signed in Maputo, Mozambique, today to build and provide equipment for a food and agriculture centre in Manica (the ‘Centro Agroalimentare di Manica’, ‘CAAM)’. 
